mlr was refactored into mlr3. caret was refactored into tidymodels. What are the main differences in terms of software design, and tweaking it for your own needs. R6 vs S3. Which one is less fraigle?
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Meta analysis of multiple multi-omics data… Oy Vey
tidy tibbles can contain non-atomic classes. This is a proof of concept demonstration for such implementation with S4 object-oriented classes, for meta-analysis of complex genomic data.
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Bioconductor S4 classes for high-throughput omics data
These object-oriented contstrained classes saved me so many times, that I can’t imagine my life without them. If it is good enough for the Bioconductor community to keep develop and maintain, there must be something very usefull in it, for other disciplines to learn.
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I am a Computational Biologist at Fred Hutch.
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